Website Development And Design For KefiMind.com

Kefi Mind was created in 2020 by co-founder, David Sunnyside, and myself. KefiMind.com is a blog all about personal health. Furthermore, the graphics and design were composed by myself. Together, David and I work on developing the blog's content through keyword research, search engine optimization (SEO), and content curation. Through our skills in online search data analytics, we are able to create and obtain relevant content regarding the mind, body and soul. Lastly, we also receive and publish content from our network of content creators. Check out the latest articles at KefiMind.com.

Homepage of KefiMind.com

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All graphics or photos were produced or taken by Justin Ankus unless otherwise noted.
Welcome to my digital portfolio. Finding balance both graphically and experientially in a design is most important to me. My name is Justin Ankus and I am an architectural designer with website design and development experience. I currently live in Los Angeles with roots from Chicago. Feel free to contact me for any inquiries. Looking forward to connecting with you.
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